Last week, a journalist of the luxembourgish press asked some bloggers to present their blog in order to get an article in the newspaper „Lëtzerbuerger Journal„. He picked the best ones to be published. Here is the link to the whole story in the Journal.
Lucky me! My blog presentation was published in the newspaper! I was so happy. It was the first time that my travel blog was mentioned in a newspaper. Perhaps it’s only the start of something big – who knows.
Here is the translation in English:
„Most people only have their job or money in their mind and completely forget about the other side of life. Referred to the motto „travel is the only thing you buy, that makes you richer“, I want to show that traveling is a lot more than only lying on the beach. Traveling means discovering new cultures, food and people. Furthermore, it is a way to find yourself, to broaden one’s horizon and finally to get another view of things“.
I’m really sorry for those of you who don’t understand German. Basically it is a description of what it is to be a blogger.
I hope that it won’t be my last publication or presentation in a newspaper, because this means a lot to me and is a kind of motivation to keep on blogging.
So nice that you got a feature as well, I really think it’s a great opportunity for all of us